Wall charts, history and European identity


Würzburger Forschungsstelle für Schulwandbilder: Würzburg, DE / Nationaal Onderwijsmuseum: Rotterdam, NL / Paedagogiske Bibliothek: Aarhus, DK

"This website presents the historical wall charts from the collections of the Denmark’s Paedagogiske Bibliothek (National Library of Education, Denmark) the Forschungsstelle: Schulwandbild, department of the University of Würzburg (Germany) and the Nationaal Onderwijsmuseum in Rotterdam (National Museum of Education, the Netherlands). The website provides information on all the presented wall charts, such as the story and location of the depicted scenes. Furthermore, information on the time the wall charts were printed and used at school is given, in addition to information on the illustrator etc. This website is part of an international project on wall charts and European identity."
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Danish, Dutch, Englisch, Deutsch



Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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